Anu Monga is one of the most influential women lawyers in India. She is Vice President, Governing Body, Campus Law Centre Alumni Association, Delhi University. Anu is consistently ranked by Asialaw, Asian Legal Business - Thomson Reuters, Legal Era, Legal 500, and IBLJ.

Bar Council of Delhi
American Bar Association
Supreme Court Bar Association
International Bar Association
LLM, NUS, Singapore
LLB, Delhi University, India
Political Science Hons - LSR College

Bar Council of Delhi
Supreme Court Bar Association
American Bar Association
International Bar Association
LLM, National University of Singapore
Political Science Hons., LSR College
LLB, Campus Law Centre, Delhi University
Anu's Experience Highlights
Advised Government of India on trade negotiations with UK (during BREXIT) . Collaborating with companies on trade-related issues in South Asia Region.
First order by CCI granting cross examination of Informant and witnesses (Maruti & Co. v Karnataka Chemists & Druggist Association of India): 2013

Obtained the landmark order from the High Court of Delhi directing CCI to decide the issue of jurisdiction first before going on merits of the case (Delhi Development Authority v CCI): 2014
Advised and assisted RECL in PFC-RECL Merger and represented RECL before the CCI.
Represented the Informant in the cement cartel matter & obtained the landmark order from CCI imposing a penalty of INR 67 billion
Appeared before the US Department of Commerce on behalf of Government of India in a CVD investigation.

name: Anu Monga
Job Title: Partner,
Works for: AnantLaw
Thomson Reuters India Super 50 Lawyers
Recognised for 4 consecutive years among top 50 lawyers in India (2020-2023)
LegalEra Awards
Recognised with Women in Law Excellence Award"
AsiaLaw 2023 rankings
Ranked as Distinguished Practitioner for Competition Law
APAC Insider
Recognised as Leading Legal Mind in Competition Law"
Asia Law Awards 2023",
Antitrust and Competition Firm of the Year in Asia Region
Address: B-82 Gulmohar Park, New Delhi, Delhi, 110049, India
American Bar Association
Supreme Court Bar Association
International Bar Association
Bar Council of Delhi
Roles of responsibility:
Vice President, Governing Body
Campus Law Centre, Alumni Association, Delhi University
Graduated from
National University of Singapore
Campus Law Centre, Delhi University
Lady Sri Ram College, Delhi University
Work Highlights:
Represented the Informant in the cement cartel matter & obtained the landmark order from CCI imposing a penalty of INR 67 billion.
Advised Government of India on trade negotiations with UK (during BREXIT).
First order by Competition Commission of India granting cross examination of Informant and witnesses (Maruti & Co. v Karnataka Chemists & Druggist Association of India): 2013.
Obtained the landmark order from the High Court of Delhi directing CCI to decide the issue of jurisdiction first before going on merits of the case (Delhi Development Authority v CCI): 2014.
Advised and assisted RECL in PFC-RECL Merger and represented RECL before the Competition Commission of India.,
Appeared before the US Department of Commerce on behalf of Government of India in a CVD investigation.