“A tree is a living being. It must an accorded a final inspection before a decision is taken to permit its felling or sanctioning extensive amputation of its live branches,” said the court.

This news report was authored and published by The New Indian Express on 15 June 2023. The article talks about a case represented by AnantLaw.
The Delhi high court has set aside guidelines passed by the state government for the pruning of trees in the Capital, that permitted the clipping of tree branches with a girth of 15.7cm without the permission of a tree officer while observing that “a tree is a living being”, and a “last look” or final inspection should be accorded before its felling or the extensive amputation of its branches.
Noting that there were “glaring examples of misuse of the permission” to prune trees having a girth up to 15.7 cm, Justice Najmi Waziri said this “so-called permission” under the guidelines sought to over-reach the statute which lays down the manner for pruning of trees.
“A tree is a living being. It must an accorded a final inspection before a decision is taken to permit its felling or sanctioning extensive amputation of its live branches,” said the court.
In its order passed on a petition challenging an NGT order permitting the pruning of trees as per the guidelines - called the “Guidelines for Pruning of Trees”, the court said that it would be open to the authorities to frame fresh guidelines to regulate the pruning of trees.
Client: Prof. Dr. Sanjeev Bagai, Padam Shree
Prof. Dr. Sanjeev Bagai & Ors. v. Department of Environment, Government of NCT of Delhi & Ors.